Tasty Swedish Cake for Princesses

I found this recipe on a danish website, though it is Swedish, and it was referred to as a princess pie, but it’s actually a layered cake, although there is usually only 2 layers in the middle and the bottom of the cake. It originates from Sweden where the cake is called tårta which...

Make a Treasure Hunt with Hidden clues

Some have asked about treasure hunting with hidden items, so I would just write a few ideas for such a treasure hunt. Having hidden items when you do the treasure hunt for kids can be a bit more exciting, and it can give the hunting a little more “kick”  if you aren’t very...

Fun Jungle Party Birthday Invitation for Coloring

Like the one I wrote about in the post last time, I presented an  invitation for princess birthday. There were several who asked for a birthday invitation to use along with a birthday kit with mug and plates having jungle animal designs. As requested, I made something that can be used if you celebrate your...

Beautiful Chocolate Pirate Ship Birthday Cake

I found this cool new recipe at a Norwegian website and I would like to share it with you. Its a Chocolate Pirate Ship Birthday cake, perfect for the Pirate theme party. Below is the recipe and images on how to form the cake and its final outcome. Here are the ingredients for the cake: 3...

Free birthday invitation for a princess party

For starters, there were several who asked about the next invitation for a children’s birthday party. I was not able to finish a design for the jungle theme, but recently there were some who asked for a children’s birthday invitation with a princess theme, which I have done now. It looks like...

Delicious Birthday Muffins

 I found this recipe the other day and thought of sharing it because muffins are always a hit at any party and specially colored ones like these here at a kids birthday party. The designing of them could even be part of the birthday party’s activities where the kids get to use different icings and...

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Is kids visiting your house for halloween?

We've just had a scary soundtrack created for the halloween party and would like to give it to you for free, if you would test it for us and let us know how it worked out when the kids came to visit your house

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