Make a Treasure Hunt with Hidden clues

Some have asked about treasure hunting with hidden items, so I would just write a few ideas for such a treasure hunt.

Having hidden items when you do the treasure hunt for kids can be a bit more exciting, and it can give the hunting a little more “kick”  if you aren’t very good at coming up with activities for the different posts during the hunt.

There must be a treasure map, so they can find their way around, whether they are in small groups or all at once. It’s more fun when they’re littlemore independent, and it helps with the treasure map. If it is in the garden, make a detailed description of the garden, so it’s easy to see where they are and what’s what on the map. You can draw and write, but if it is for smaller children, just settle in drawing  all things in the garden which you can navigate by.

Here are some examples for texts on the treasure map:

  • Signs in apple tree over there beside the house,
  • entrance to the garden,
  • the house where the doors are,
  • garden table,
  • chairs,
  • vegetable garden,
  • carport,
  • swing in the tree and
  • fence and hedge.

There should especially be the sign of the various things which are right near the post, so they can figure out where to go.

To make the map really authentic, it can be curled, the edges can be torn off and can have burned edges.
If they are very small and have difficulty deciphering the map, you can go around with them and also have taken pictures of the few places where the items are and then have a single image for each item which shows the place they’re going to find the next clue.

To make things more exciting, before the birthday event, you can tell stories of pirates, and treasures or write them on the birthday invitations so that the kids will be excited to have their own treasure hunting at the party.

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Is kids visiting your house for halloween?

We've just had a scary soundtrack created for the halloween party and would like to give it to you for free, if you would test it for us and let us know how it worked out when the kids came to visit your house

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