A Very Special Gift for Christmas

So it is soon time to celebrate Jesus’s birthday and give out a lot of Christmas presents.I myself am as a little child when it comes to Christmas, and often recall how nice it was when I was a kid, and we had the big Christmas dinner at my grandmother and grandfathers.I was...

How to Create Beautiful Butterflies Face Painting

In my quest for more instructions on how to create beautiful face paintings for kids birthday without it being too difficult, I found these two videos showing how to create some really beautiful butterflies. In the first part  it talks about what tools you need when doing face...

Make a Green Cake with Kiwifruit and Avocado

I found this recipe for a green cake for kids birthday consisting of Kiwi and strangely enough, Avocado … hehe. Nevertheless, it sounds like a very interesting birthday cake and it’s not very hard to do. The ingredients you need for the cake is: 2 cups of sour...

Monkey Marble Chocolate Cake for Jungle Birthday Party

I found this recipe on Dansukker Website and thought that it looked super hot out, so I had to just share with you. The ingredients you need for the birthday cake are: 4 cups sugar 100 g butter 4 eggs 2 cups milk 4 tsp. vanilla...

Get a Fun Birthday Party with Face Painting

You might have seen birthday parties with children having face paints and sure thing, its fun.  So you might have thought of also having face paint to your next child’s birthday party. … but if you’ve tried it you probably know that it is not quite as easy as it looks. But then I...

Face Painting – How to Paint a Pirate

For a week or so ago I made my first post about face painting, since I had seen a super cool way to make a nice face paint on a stamp and then draw inside the lines afterwards, so it looked like a professional’s work. When my daughter was at a birthday party here in the...

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Is kids visiting your house for halloween?

We've just had a scary soundtrack created for the halloween party and would like to give it to you for free, if you would test it for us and let us know how it worked out when the kids came to visit your house

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