Face Painting – How to Paint a Pirate

For a week or so ago I made my first post about face painting, since I had seen a super cool way to make a nice face paint on a stamp and then draw inside the lines afterwards, so it looked like a professional’s work. When my daughter was at a birthday party here in the...

How to Make a Treasure Map for Treasure Hunt

Creating a treasure map for treasure hunting and letting the kids figure out the clues can be a challenging and entertaining way to spend time with children It also  stimulates their imagination and sense of mystery. The procedure for making a good map is: 1. Choose a material for the...

What is the difference between a pirate and a buccaneer

I was searching the other day after what the prices were on different costume equipment for pirates that could be used at a party with pirates, because a few people had been asking about costumes and accessories for pirate birthday parties. I then found a site where different people had...

Make a Treasure Hunt with Hidden clues

Some have asked about treasure hunting with hidden items, so I would just write a few ideas for such a treasure hunt. Having hidden items when you do the treasure hunt for kids can be a bit more exciting, and it can give the hunting a little more “kick”  if you aren’t very...

Different Accessories for a Pirate Party

Are you having a pirate party then it can be done with a lot of different accessories related to the pirate theme and there is a lot of favors that can be used, either purchased or homemade. Some of these includes: Treasure map Eye patch Pirate flag Wooden leg Pirate hats Gold coins Bandana Ea...

A short version of the pirates’ treasure hunt

If you want to have treasure hunt in your party, and it should not take too much time, then here is a short version which does not have so many posts. First post: Pirates must be careful not to get eaten by crocodiles as they climb go over the canyon with crocodiles. Balance over a...

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Is kids visiting your house for halloween?

We've just had a scary soundtrack created for the halloween party and would like to give it to you for free, if you would test it for us and let us know how it worked out when the kids came to visit your house

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