Easy recipe for birthday cake

This is a very simple and easy way to make a gingerbread man – or woman. Buns / cakeman is good and freshly baked, but can easily be baked the night before Birthday cake is approx. 10 people, but otherwise it’s just that times up. The ingredients you need for...

Recipe for Brunswick as a gingerbread man

I’ve always liked Brunswick, although the cake contains “a little” sugar. My grandfather always used to do them when I was little, but at the young age most people love sweet things I guess, though bothmy grandmother and grandfather also had a sweet tooth. I then found this...

Make a Green Cake with Kiwifruit and Avocado

I found this recipe for a green cake for kids birthday consisting of Kiwi and strangely enough, Avocado … hehe. Nevertheless, it sounds like a very interesting birthday cake and it’s not very hard to do. The ingredients you need for the cake is: 2 cups of sour...

Homemade Birthday Invitations

A Children’s birthday party is considered one of the most important day of his life. So it is important to make the party a memorable one by planning out the theme, surprises and invitations. I found a website that collects a number of birthday ideas that can be used in children’s...

Small Birthday Cakes for All Children – Recipe

I found just a few delicious recipes for cakes over on a danish website and wanted to share this one, as it is super delicious and exciting with these little pies in several different colors. To make small pies (which gives 15 pieces) you will...

Monkey Marble Chocolate Cake for Jungle Birthday Party

I found this recipe on Dansukker Website and thought that it looked super hot out, so I had to just share with you. The ingredients you need for the birthday cake are: 4 cups sugar 100 g butter 4 eggs 2 cups milk 4 tsp. vanilla...

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Want a free scary soundtrack for halloween?

We've just had a scary soundtrack created for the halloween party and would like to give it to you for free, if you would test it for us and let us know how it worked out when the kids came to visit your house

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