Ideas for the pirate party’s treasure hunt

A treasure hunt is always a good idea when you are having a birthday party.

If you are planning to have a treasure hunt in your party with a pirate or pirate theme, here are some ideas for the various items or posts.Before the treasure hunt starts you can say to the kids that there has been a pirate in the past that knew that there was a treasure buried here somewhere and that he wanted the help of some other pirates to find it?

He has a treasure map and they must now try to pass the big pirate test to find the treasure.

  • To be drawn in the face and find a worm and gold coins: “A real pirate is good at finding stuff – When a pirate gets hungry, he finds some food for a real pirate soup. So now I see if you can find a earthworm or some shells in the bushes and the grass for a delicious pirate soup (Keep the treasure hunt indoors, a few sticks or leaves can also be used, as defined within).
    Maybe the pirates lost some of the gold from the treasure – there is perhaps some gold coins?
    In the heat of the struggle the pirates get injured. The children will draw a scar and possibly a curl on his upper lip like a mustache. (remember to ask the parents if there have some allergies to face paint)


  • Counting cars or stones and get scarf on their heads like a real pirate, “For you to be real pirates you must first pass the pirate test. Here you will learn to count – it is very important that a pirate can count everything that is in the treasure chest. Ex: Can you count how many cars in the parking lot, or gather some rock somewhere and ask the children count these. Tell them that when they’ve counted the cars, stones or whatever it takes on, there’s a pirate scarf for everyone. “Children will have scarfs on their heads. (This may just be a piece of cheap fabric you have purchased and cut out for scarfs)


  • Then put a patch over one eye, “the pirates have been out in a pirate battles and has been blinded in one eye. Try and see if you can find a patch for one eye. “(These can be hung in a tree in the garden, on the playground or somewhere inside) The children will get an eye patch.


  • Now the kids jump on one leg: “Now the pirates have been wounded again, and one leg has been cut off. I must now jump on one leg around the … (swings, climbing tree or playhouse). Now it is about time that pirates got a sword, so they can survive in the struggle. ”


  • Making a sword: “Now you will make a real sword which pirates have, so you can take care of yourselves in the fight against all pirates. When the swords are made, it is time to find the treasure. The treasure lies buried in the big sandbox in the garden (or playground or hidden some where within) – therefore go out and dig in the sandbox. “The kids makes their pirate swords and go to the sandbox or wherever the treasure is.


  • The clue is: Dig here for the treasure


  • The key in his pocket: “The key to the treasure lies in a pocket. Everyone look in your pockets.”


  • Then both the treasure and the key is found. The great pirate test has been passed and everyone enjoys the content of the treasure chest.

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Is kids visiting your house for halloween?

We've just had a scary soundtrack created for the halloween party and would like to give it to you for free, if you would test it for us and let us know how it worked out when the kids came to visit your house

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