Cool Party Bags for Kid’s Birthday

I surfed around a bit the other day on the “World Wide Web” of ideas for kids birthday and came across a post on a blog called westmose where she had made ​​some really cool candy bags.  The interesting thing is that they were made from milk cartons … As you can...

Adorable Hello Kitty and Pirate Cakes for Birthday Parties

I went to england some time ago and was surfing around on the net while I was waiting for someone to drive me around some different places in london. Among other things, to see if I can find some interesting cake molds for birthday cakes and cookies. in my search on the internet...

Fun Game with Clamps for Birthday

I got a  letter from a woman called Jette about a game you can play with clothing clips which sounds to be really fun if you are having a children’s birthday party. You need some cloth clips to the game and she writes that the difficulty is equal to 1, which is easy, and children of...

New Free Birthday Invitation with Monkeys in the trees

I have made a new funny birthday invitations, which this time is designed from the birthday set with paper plates and cups with monkeys swinging in the vines of the jungle. A good birthday invitation to a birthday party with outdoor theme or a jungle feast inside. You can...

What is the difference between a pirate and a buccaneer

I was searching the other day after what the prices were on different costume equipment for pirates that could be used at a party with pirates, because a few people had been asking about costumes and accessories for pirate birthday parties. I then found a site where different people had...

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Want a free scary soundtrack for halloween?

We've just had a scary soundtrack created for the halloween party and would like to give it to you for free, if you would test it for us and let us know how it worked out when the kids came to visit your house

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